Amina Tollin

Director of Workshops & Development, Storytelling Coordinator

headshot of Amina wearing glasses

Amina is a registered nurse with a variety of experience, spending most of her practice in med/surg, case management, and home health. She’s worked in healthcare for 12+ years, starting as an EMT and working her way to her RN, just recently graduating with her BSN. She is also trained as an herbalist and a member of the AHNA. She is passionate about nurse advocacy, activism, and integrative health practices. In her hometown, she works with the homeless and spends time working to support her family and her community. She hopes to work for the AACN someday, changing the policies that accredit clinical education to represent a more integrative mindset, the needs of the students, staff, and the healthcare system. She plans to get her MSN and use it by helping build a better healthcare system that engages the mind, body and spirit, for those that experience and work within the healthcare system.


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It's time for change
Building a better system for ALL patients and Healthcare Workers
PO Box 75972, Los Angeles, CA 90075-9997
501(c)(3) Organization, EIN: 87-2641586
Copyright 2023 IMPACT in Healthcare.