Ian Quandt

Director of Wellness

headshot of Ian wearing a protective shield and mask

Ian has been a PT since 2018, and worked in acute care, inpatient rehab, and ICU settings. They are passionate about Disability and Queer justice, and fight for both patient and HCW accessibility. Their hobbies include hiking, deep research dives on financial corruption, and Brazilian JiuJitsu (when there isn’t a pandemic on).

Otherwise, Ian enjoys spending time with their spouse and two cats, Marcella (named after Marcella Althaus-Reid) and Rosalind (named after Rosalind Franklin).


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It's time for change
Building a better system for ALL patients and Healthcare Workers
PO Box 75972, Los Angeles, CA 90075-9997
501(c)(3) Organization, EIN: 87-2641586
Copyright 2023 IMPACT in Healthcare.